Guests may go on one walk before becoming members
Please notify the walk leader if you intend to join any of the walks
January 2025
Saturday, 11th January, the Churnet source to mouth, part 2
Depart Fairfield Road car park 9:00am sharp, to start walking 10:00am from Tittesworth Reservoir W3Ws suits.goat.jokers.
This 9.5 mile walk (1,100ft’ ascent) follows the Churnet Way from Tittesworth Reservoir. Skirting the edge of Leek before heading for Abbey Green and passing close to the old Cistercian Dieulacresse Abbey. A path closer to the reservoir returns us to the car park where there are toilets and cafe. There is a charge for parking.
Bring food and drink.
Walk duration 4.75 hours including stops.
If going message walk leader Jonathan 07850 349114 stating if going direct or from Fairfield Road car park and whether you need a lift or are prepared to drive.
Sunday, 19th January, Susan’s Saunter from Ellastone
Depart Fairfield Road car park at 9:30am to start walking from Ellastone village car park at 9:45am.
A leisurely 6 mile walk from Ellastone to Wootton Lodge, Brookleys, Prestwood back to Ellastone.
Mostly walking on tracks to Prestwood then fields back to Ellastone but if muddy we can lane walk back.
It’s a short walk so only one stop for coffee.
Walk leader Susan 07783320873
Depart Fairfield Road car park 9:30am or meet at Ellastone village car park 9:45am.
A leisurely 6 mile walk from Ellastone to Wootton Lodge, Brookleys, Prestwood back to Ellastone.
Mostly walking on tracks to Prestwood then fields back to Ellastone but if muddy we can lane walk back.
It’s a short walk so only one stop for coffee at Brookleys
Walk Leader Susan 07783320873
IN THE CASE OF EXTREME WEATHER –please contact the leader to ensure the walk will be taking place.
For more information e-mail - uttoxeterwalkingclub@hotmail.com
You may bring your dog, at the walk leaders discretion, but please ensure it can be easily restrained.